Some people with very sensitive teeth, tissues or that have underlying dental diseases can experience extreme reactions to teeth whitening. It is rare, but it happens. But in general, the question: Can teeth whitening burn your gums, the answer is yes. This only happens if teeth whitening is used too much and too often, or if the instructions are not followed by your dentist, or if you are using a generic over the counter trays and not a custom tray that is fitted to your teeth which is made by your dentist.
Free teeth whitening kit is burning my gums | The Blog of …
http://www.mirandalacydds.com/blog/ Fri, 05 Dec 2014 13:52:29 -0800
They may contain other chemicals that are harmful to your teeth and gums. Although they are not free, you will likely get better and safer results from over-the-counter whitening strips than with a free whitening kit. The only free …
Can Teeth Whitening Damage Your Teeth & Gums?
Can Teeth Whitening Damage Your Teeth & Gums?, Can Teeth Whitening Damage Your Teeth & Gums?, Teeth whitening chemicals can damage your teeth if not used pro…
Teeth Whitening and Sore Gums | Lifeaura.com
http://www.lifeaura.com/ Thu, 19 Jul 2012 08:22:30 -0700
Sore and burned gums. teeth. That’s right when your dentist whitens your teeth he places a film like substance on your gums that helps protects them from the chemicals contained in the tooth whitener. Home whiten kits don’t have this protecting … If you try a home whitening kit and do have problems with sore or red gums you should discontinue wordpress using the kit immediately and once your gums heal get your teeth whitened by your dentist as he will be able to protect your gums …
Over-exposure to very strong bleaching gel and/or light or heat sources can burn your gums. Dentists place a protective material on your gums when they whiten your teeth to prevent the strong bleaching agents to burn your gums. Again, check with your dentist and do some homework before you select a product or procedure.